Sunday, November 27, 2011

Reaction to "How is Rick Perry representing Texas"

         From a blog by my fellow classmate, Shannon, she discusses the her side on an issue concerning "how is Rick Perry representing Texas?" Keeping up with the GOP race myself, I was not completely caught off guard to hear about the general public's disdain towards our former governor's "mishaps," but I was shocked to see the extreme and insulting comments by Robert Becker. I completely agree with Shannon, as a fellow Texan, that the comments were disrespectful, rude, harsh, and filled with fallacies. The fact that he would generalize and judge an entire person over one mistake is one thing but to generalize the entirety of the state that they are representing is even worse. The comments exemplify Becker's close-mindedness and stereotypical judgement towards society.
          The only weakness I see in this argument against Becker is that Shannon needs more examples of good politicians from Texas to uphold the fact that Texas doesn't only yield bad politicians. In addition, Shannon could incorporate good bills or ideas that both George W. Bush and Rick Perry implemented or proposed which would outweigh their faults. Overall the article was very informative and well-composed with the only weakness in its argument structure that i previously addressed.

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