Thursday, October 27, 2011

Removing the Unpatriotic Patriot Act

In the past ten years, America has been through turmoil due to the catastrophic event that occurred on September 11, 2001. The government, in the state of vulnerability and panic, quickly passed legislation that permitted their capability to spy and leach on any given American. Ironically, the form of action was nominalized as the “Patriot Act,” even though its main objectives were to deprive and retract the basic fundamental and natural rights of the citizens it governs.
Instead of performing true patriotic acts of enhancing the nation’s integrity and values, the piece of legislation did the contrary. It managed to exploit and destroy the mandated foundations that America was founded upon. Although it is understandable of Congress’s anxieties and fears from such a tragic event, they still had little justification in acting so rashly without reevaluating the bigger picture and the ramifications the Act entails. The government essentially pushed its own citizens to the point where people could no longer trust each other or even the liable government it needed most at the time. The government, with its hasty reactions, did not provide this stable source of reliability and instead flustered under the pressure.
Even the usage of the act in the status quo is being corrupted by government agencies; the deep investigating is no longer based on criminal history but solely on race and ethnicity. This moral injustice by our very own government is the root cause of out severe downfalls as a democracy. The patriot act today gives the authorities rights to stop and interrogate anyone they want without any relevant cause to do so; it is being dangerously abused and is weakening American society holistically. On top of that, the American public has little knowledge of what the government is actually doing; they give no acknowledgement to the people over what is going on behind the curtain of the Patriot Act. With the tenth year of existence coming up for the enactment of the Patriot Act, it is the most auspicious and critical time to reevaluate the legislation and remove it. The Act is a menace to society and does little good to any of the people that it is supposed to serve. It is either this or the next and only alternative; reconstruct the act to focus solely on crime with a colorblind eye to whom they are investigating. More and more of the citizens are bringing the harmful Act to their attention and deeply detest what it is doing to America’s image. As this compelling protest is developing, it is a serious time for the lawmakers in Washington to finally put an end to the corruption. 

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